Special Issues

Sound and Vibration publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated EBM will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.


Environmental Noise and Health
edited by Guoqing Di, Qi Meng and Hequn Min
submission deadline 31 August 2025
Keywords: environmental noise; health impacts; psychological and physiological effects; noise mitigation strategies; noise assessment; technological innovations in noise and vibration control; soundscape


Sustainable Acoustic Materials for Noise Reduction and Control
edited by Xiaoning Tang
submission deadline 31 August 2025
Keywords: acoustic materials; sound absorption; sound insulation; sustainability


Emerging Technologies for Monitoring and Analyzing Sound and Vibration
edited by Vijayakumar Varadarajan, Tao Zhang, Peter Appiahene and Stephen Afrifa
submission deadline 28 July 2025
Keywords: acoustic sensors; predictive maintenance; machine learning; real-time data processing; multi-sensor fusion; structural health monitoring; artificial intelligence


Optimizing the Low Frequency Response of Low Frequency Playback Systems
edited by Todd Welti
submission deadline 30 May 2025
Keywords: modes; low frequency; room acoustics; subwoofers


Vibration-based and Acoustic-based Machine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis: Developments and Challenges
edited by Muhammad Irfan and Adam Glowacz
submission deadline 30 May 2025
Keywords: acoustic and vibration sensing; acoustic and vibration emissions; acoustic sensors; machine condition monitoring; acoustics, speech and signal processing; acoustic evaluation of faults in electrical machines; anomalous sound detection; signal processing of audio and acoustics; sound dataset; malfunctioning industrial machine investigation and inspection; detection and classification of acoustic scenes and events; industrial sound analysis


Voretx Induced Vibration
edited by Iman Farahbakhsh and Kumars Mahmoodi
submission deadline 1 May 2025
Keywords: vortex-induced vibration (VIV); fluid-structure interaction (FSI); experimental methods in VIV; numerical simulations of VIV; theoretical analysis of VIV; VIV control and mitigation; structural integrity and fatigue; noise and vibration analysis; offshore engineering; civil and aerospace engineering; multi-physics and multi-scale modeling; case studies in VIV applications


Vehicle Interior Noise Control and Sound Design Technologies
edited by Jianwang Shao and Guoming Deng
submission deadline 30 April 2025
Keywords: vehicle interior noise; passive and active noise control; engine/motor/road/wind noise; acoustic metamaterials; theoretical/numerical/experimental analysis; sound design technologies; robutness control and efficiency; intelligent control techniques


Recent Progress in Underwater Acoustics and Related Signal Processing Methods
edited by Yubo Qi, Jin Bao and Changpeng Liu
submission deadline 28 February 2025
Keywords: ship noise pollution; sound propagation in underwater; target detection and estimation; source localization; geoacoustic inversion; ocean environmental noise; underwater acoustics; array signal processing; deep sea acoustics; arctic acoustics; sound source localization; ocean environment inversion


Enhancing the Performance of Unmanned Systems through Acoustics and Vibration Technologies
edited by Shubo Wang
submission deadline 31 December 2024
Keywords: unmanned systems; embodied intelligence; UGV; UAV; perception; decision-making; sound sensor


Noise Emitted from Ships: Impact Inside and Outside the Vessels
edited by Luigia Mocerino and Massimo Viscardi
submission deadline 31 December 2024
Keywords: ship noise pollution; environmental impact of ship noise; effects of ship noise on marine fauna; human health impacts of ship noise; ship noise regulation and mitigation; ship noise reduction technologies
ship noise management; ship noise policies; propeller noise and hull noise; underwater sound transmission; factors affecting ship noise propagation; ship noise propagation models; silencers and other noise reduction devices; anti-friction lubricants and coatings; low-noise navigation operations; ship noise measurement; ship noise prediction models; effects of ship noise on marine fauna; human health impacts of ship noise; ship noise reduction technologies; ship noise mitigation strategies


Development and Progress in Aeroacoustic Noise Reduction
edited by Liuxian Zhao, Mostafa Ranjbar and Zhaoyong Sun
submission deadline 30 September 2024
Keywords: aeroacoustics; noise reduction; acoustics; fluids