Editorial Team


Prof. Jun Yang   
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Interests: noise and vibration control; active control system; communication acoustics; 3D audio system; acoustic signal processing; nonlinear acoustics

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Yan Gao   
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Interests: physical acoustics; detection acoustics; acoustic detection

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Pedro Alves Costa  
Universidade do Porto
Interests: advanced models of analysis of dynamic train-infrastructure interaction; models for predicting noise and vibrations induced by railway traffic; experimental evaluation of vibrations; advanced algorithms for analyzing the condition of the railway infrastructure; soil-structure dynamic interaction
Dr. Hossein Ebrahimian  
University of Naples Federico II (UNINA)
Interests: earthquake engineering; seismic design and assessment; nonlinear dynamic analysis procedures; multi-risk analysis; probabilistic methods and reliability
Prof. J. Paulo Davim  
University of Aveiro
Interests: mechanical engineering; manufacturing; machining
Dr. Yatao Ren  
Harbin Institute of Technology
Interests: photoacoustic effect; light-particle interaction
Dr. Haichao Li  
Harbin Engineering University
Interests: ship structure vibration and noise; ship structure dynamics; composite structure vibration and acoustics; fluid-structure interaction
Dr. Yougang Sun  
Tongji university
Interests: vibration control; dynamic measurement; mechanical reliability; dynamic testing
Dr. Yadong Zhou  
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Interests: sound and vibration; noise control; modal analysis; structural dynamics
Prof. Zefeng Wen  
Southwest Jiaotong University
Interests: railway vehicle-track coupled dynamics; railway vehicle-track vibration and noise; wheel-rail interaction; wheel-rail wear; railway wheel out-of-roundness; rail corrugation
Prof. Mehmet Pakdemirli  
Manisa Celal Bayar University
Interests: vibrations of continuous systems; nonlinear dynamics; perturbation methods; resonances
Dr. Zhigang Chu  
Chongqing University
Interests: vehicle vibration and noise control; vehicle system dynamics and control; array acoustic signal processing; compressive sensing in acoustics; acoustic imaging methods
Dr. Giuseppe Ciaburro 
Università degli Studi della Campania
Interests: acoustics and noise control

Prof. Zigang Deng
Southwest Jiaotong University
Interests: engineering mechanics; traffic information engineering and control; engineering for the operation of vehicles
Dr. Guoqing Di 
Zhejiang University
Interests: physical pollution effects and control; environmental acoustics and noise control; active noise and vibration control; acoustic metamaterials; sound quality and soundscape
Prof. Zhuojia Fu
Hohai University
Interests: computational solid mechanics and engineering simulation software; structural acoustic-vibration coupling analysis; computational material structure integrated design
Prof. Luís Godinho
Universidade de Coimbra
Interests: acoustics; wave propagation; building physics; modeling and numerical methods
Dr. Zhixiong Gong
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Interests: physical acoustics; underwater acoustic engineering; acoustic wave manipulation of microparticles/microfluids theory and technology; design and preparation of underwater acoustic vortex devices and transducers [1khz-100mhz]
Prof. Ji-Huan He  
Soochow University
Interests: nonlinear vibration theory; MEMS system; fractal theory; fractional calculus; analytical methods
Dr. Haibo Huang
Southwest Jiaotong University
Interests: NVH; vibration and acoustics; signal processing; machine learning
Prof. Jianping Jing   
Shanghai JiaoTong University
Interests: rotordynamics; fault diagnosis of rotating mahcinery; mechanical strength& reliability; mechanical vibration and noise
Prof. Guoyong Jin
Harbin Engineering University
Interests: structural vibration and acoustics; active and passive control of vibration and noise; vibro-acoustic modelling and analysis; vibration and acoustics of composite structures
Dr. Sheng Li
Dalian University of Technology
Interests: acoustics; acoustics and acoustic engineering; acoustic stimulation; noise analysis; vibration analysis; wave propagation; sound localization; nvh; structural vibration; modal analysis
Prof. Li Li
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Interests: structural vibration; vibration control; computational mechanics; composite dynamics; multi-scale modeling
Prof. Vladyslav Lisnyak
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Interests: microwave shielding; microwave absorption; shielding metamaterials; microwave absorbing
Dr. Tuo Liu
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Interests: acoustics and acoustic metamaterials
Prof. Xinhua Long
Shanghai Jiaotong University
Interests: dynamics and control; nonlinear vibrations
Prof. Zhenbo Lu 
Sun Yat-Sen University
Interests: smart acoustic metamaterial and metasurface; experimental and computational aeroacoustics (CAA); noise and vibration control; bio-inspired flapping wing MAV
Dr. Kuan Lu
Northwest Polytechnic University
Interests: vibration mechanism and reliability of aeroengine/spacecraft connectors and components; dimensionality reduction of high dimensional nonlinear dynamic systems; uncertainty quantification of high-dimensional complex systems; nonlinear rotor dynamics
Prof. Massimiliano Masullo
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
Interests: psychoacoustics; environmental acoustics; sound quality; acoustics and noise control
Prof. Samuel Morillas
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Interests: image processing; signal processing; algorithms; optimization; computer vision; signal, image and video processing; artificial intelligence; pattern recognition; optics
Dr. Azma Putra
Curtin University
Interests: engineering acoustics; vibration; structural dynamics and vibro-acoustics
Prof. Gang Qiao 
Harbin Engineering University
Interests: underwater communication and networks; detection and positioning of underwater targets; sonar designed for small carriers
Dr. Iickho Song
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
South Korea
Interests: communications; noise filtering in signal; signal processing
Dr. Eric Ungar
Acentech Inc.
Interests: shock spectra; sonic fatigue
Dr. Roman Vinokur
Independent Consultant
Interests: acoustics; vibration; structural dynamics; aerodynamics; reliability
Prof. Yansong Wang
Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Interests: active noise control
Prof. Qingshan Wang  
Central South University
Interests: computational structural mechanics; vibration and acoustics of composite materials; structural dynamics; uncertainty analysis and optimization
Prof. Long Wen
China University of Geosciences
Interests: industrial artificial intelligence; deep learning; 3D vision; automatic machine learning; intelligent fault diagnosis
Prof. Dazhuan Wu
College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University
Interests: pumps, fans and propulsion technology; flow Induced vibration and noise control; fas-liquid two-phase flow, drag reduction and noise control
Dr. Esmaeil Zarei
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Interests: safety science; system safety; human factors; risk analysis
Dr. Chengshi Zheng
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Interests: beamforming; microphone array; binaural hearing
Prof. Nikolai Ivanovich Vatin  
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Russian Federation
Interests: building; construction materials; civil engineering materials; building materials; construction; structural analysis; construction engineering; structural dynamics; finite element analysis; finite element modeling
Dr. Jie Zhang
Sichuan University
Interests: noise control, railway noise and vibration; statistical energy analysis; sound insulation; composite structures; acoustic metamaterials
Prof. Yaghoub Tadi beni
Shahrekord University
Interests: nano/micro-structures stability; nonclassical continuum theory- linear; nonlinear analysis of beams; plates and shells
Prof. Noël Challamel
Université de Bretagne-Sud
Interests: damage; rupture; stability; structures; gradient models and non-local models; heterogeneous materials
Dr. Ivan Banović
University of Split
Interests: developing response modification strategies (low-cost seismic isolation) and performance-based methods for seismic design and evaluation of resilient structures and communities
Dr. Yuejian Chen 
Tongji University
Interests: dynamic and vibration; vibration signal processing; health condition monitoring; prognostics,operation and maintenance decision optimization
Dr. Ke Feng
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Interests: digital twin based RUL prediction; gear and bearing dynamics; vibration analysis; wear and fatigue analysis; machine learning; machine condition monitoring; structural health monitoring
Dr. Nansha Gao
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Interests: acoustic metamaterials; underwater overburden; acoustic black hole
Dr. Jun Wu
University of Oxford
Interests: mechanical vibration; rotor dynamics; aeroelasticility; finite element method; multibody system dynamics; modal analysis and test; nonlinear dynamics; structural dynamics and control; biodynamics of human body; seating dynamics; vehicle dynamics; signal processing
Prof. Yang Yang   
Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College
Interests: array acoustic signal processing; compressive sensing in acoustics; acoustic imaging methods, such as near-field acoustical holography, beamforming and inverse methods; vehicle vibration and noise control
Dr. Xiang Yu
The Hongkong Polytechnic University
Interests: vibro-acoustic modelling; acoustic metamaterial; noise and vibration control; advanced functional material; lattice structure and porous material; hearing and auditory perception; active noise cancellation; smart actuator; acoustic black hole
Dr. Yang Zhang  
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Interests: structural health monitoring of infrastructures; structural damage identification; data-centric analysis; machine learning; machine vision
Dr. Jin Zhang   
Zhejiang Lab
Interests: acoustical signal processing; beamforming; active noise control; intelligent acoustical system
Dr. Liuxian Zhao
Hefei University of Technology
Interests: energy harvesting waves acoustics
Dr. Lei Li   
Shandong University of Technology
Interests: nonlinear vibration and control; MEMS system dynamics; resonant sensor design and evaluation
Dr. Haitao Xu
Northwestern Polytechnical University
Interests: vibration energy harvesting; structural health monitoring; nonlinear dynamics; fault diagnosis
Prof. Hongping Hu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Interests: underwater acoustics; vibration control; phononic crystal; metamaterial; acousto-optic coupling; ultrasonics
Prof. Jun Dai
Northeastern University
Interests: structural vibration control; tuned mass damper; active vibration control; semi-active vibration control; seismic response reduction
Dr. Huailong Shi
Southwest Jiaotong University
Interests: railway vehicle-track coupled dynamics; railway vehicle-track vibration; active suspension control; wheel-rail interaction; wheel-rail wear; roller rig tests and technology; on-track tests and technology
Dr. Tibor Krenický
Technical University of Kosice
Interests: virtual instrumentation; industrial engineering; nanomaterials, technical diagnostics; multiparametric monitoring
Prof. Len Gelman
The University of Huddersfield
Interests: vibro-acoustical diagnosis; prognosis analysis; root cause analysis; classical signal processing; time-frequency signal processing; pattern recognition; structural health monitoring; NDT; condition monitoring technologies
Prof. Davvod Younesian
Iran University of Science and Technology
Interests: engineering; mechanics; acoustics; automation & control systems; mathematics
Prof. Lei Wang
Beihang University
Interests: noise and vibration; dynamic measurement; structural analysis; computer-aided engineering; mechanical reliability and dynamic testing
Prof. Shuai Cao
University of Science and Technology Beijing
Interests: mining engineering; acoustic emission; microstructural analysis; cemented composites
Dr. Gamal M. Ismail
Sohag University, Egypt
Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia
Interests: dynamical systems; nonlinear differential equations; periodic solutions; nonlinear oscillators; analytical and approximate solutions
Prof. Ling Zhou
Jiangsu University
Interests: numerical simulation; particle image velocimetry; turbulence modeling; computational fluid dynamics; numerics; mechanical engineering
Dr. Haradhan Kolya
Jeonbuk National University
South Korea
Interests: polymers; wood; acoustics; wastewater purification; energy storage application; nanoparticles; graphene oxide; catalyst
Dr. Manoj Khandelwal   
Federation University Australia
Interests: rock mechanics; rock blasting and blast vibrations; slope stability; geotechnical properties; soft computing applications in mining
Prof. Weibin Li   
Xiamen University
Interests: ultrasonics; wave propagation; ultrasonic non destructive testing; NDT; nondestructive testing; NDE; acoustics