Heat transfer characteristics in Williamson fluid flow in a vertical channel with chemical reaction and entropy production

  • Amala Olkha Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302004, India
  • Mukesh Kumar Department of Mathematics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302004, India
Article ID: 515
Keywords: Williamson fluid; velocity slip; THS; ESHS; viscous dissipation; porous medium; joule heating; chemical reaction; entropy production; convective boundaries; HPM


This research endeavor investigates the natural convection flow of Williamson fluid in the region between two vertical parallel flat plates via a porous medium. Impacts of viscous dissipation, joule heating, exponential space, and thermal-dependent heat sources (ESHS/THS) are invoked. Mass transfer is also studied in accounting for chemical reaction impact. The governing non-linear PDEs are reduced to ODEs in non-dimensional form under adequate transformation relations. The numerical technique, namely, Runge-Kutta fourth-order, is utilized to tackle the problem with the shooting method. Additionally, second-law analysis is presented in terms of entropy production. The effects of numerous regulating parameters occurred in the problem relevant to flow, heat and mass transport, and entropy production are discussed via graphical mode of representation. Moreover, the quantities of physical significance are computed, displayed in graphical form, and discussed. For verification of acquired results, a comparison is also made using HPM with prior research, which was found to be in excellent agreement. It is concluded that the fluid temperature field enhances with upsurging values of pertinent parameters. The influence of the convective surface parameter and order of reaction are found to make augmentation in mass diffusion. Further, the effect of joule heating is noticed to increase the rate of heat transfer, while the reverse scenario is observed with upsurging values of heat source parameters. The influence of viscous dissipation is seen to increase entropy production.


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How to Cite
Olkha, A., & Kumar, M. (2024). Heat transfer characteristics in Williamson fluid flow in a vertical channel with chemical reaction and entropy production. Energy Storage and Conversion, 2(3), 515. https://doi.org/10.59400/esc.v2i3.515