Compozit structures Ba0.5Sr0.5Сo1−xFexO3−z, synthesized on the big solar furnace
Anion-deficient structures based on the composition Sr0.5Ba0.5Со1−xFexO3−z synthesized from a melt in a solar furnace in a stream of concentrated solar radiation with a density of 100–200 W/cm2 have been studied. Briquettes of the form of tablets based on a stoichiometric mixture of carbonates and oxides of the corresponding metals (SrСО3 + BaСО3 + Со1О3 + Fe2O3) were melted on the focal spot of the big solar furnace. Drops of the melt flowed into the water, cooling at a rate of 103 deg/s. Drops of the melt flowed into the water, cooling at a rate of 103 deg/s. The castings were crushed to a fineness of 63 µm, dried at 400 °C, molded into tablets (samples) (20 mm in diameter and 10 mm high). Samples of the material were sintered in the temperature range of 1050 °C–1250 °C. The structure, water absorption, and degradation in a carbon dioxide medium were studied in the samples. The crystal lattice of the material had a perovskite structure with a unit cell parameter a = 4.04 Å. The material samples showed increasing water absorption with increasing sintering temperatures. There is also a dependence on the resistance of the material structure to the effects of carbon dioxide and water vapor on the sintering temperature. The observed values of structural parameters indicate that the material based on the perovskite Sr0.5Ba0.5Со1−xFexO3−z structures can be used as a catalyst in the production of hydrogen and synthesis gas by reforming and methane oxidation. Preliminary experiments on obtaining synthesis gas showed that the perovskite structures of the composition are not inferior to phosphogypsum in terms of efficiency. However, the implementation of such approaches requires the development and creation of special equipment that makes it possible to control the flows of gases and water into the reaction chamber irradiated by a concentrated flux of high-density solar radiation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 M. S. Payzullakhanov, F. Ernazarov, O. Rajamatov, N. Karshieva, A. Holmatov

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