Practical approach for analysing and engaging stakeholders in construction megaprojects

  • Ayman Mashali Mansoura University, Mansoura 35511, Egypt
  • Ahmed Eltantawy Mansoura University, Mansoura 35511, Egypt
Ariticle ID: 509
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Keywords: stakeholder; management; engagement; construction; megaprojects


The construction industry is a complex environment, it is facing massive challenges, especially on megaprojects, due to the huge construction development and stakeholder management (SM). This paper seeks to explore, investigate, and assess the methods for analysing and engaging stakeholders on construction megaprojects to overcome stakeholder management problems and enhance performance. Methodology: The quantitative methodology is adopted in this research; a questionnaire survey is carried out among big construction firms in Qatar, with a 59% response rate. Quantitative data analysis was conducted using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) software. Findings: This paper investigated and assessed the common methods for analysing and engaging stakeholders on construction megaprojects, where they come together more integrative. Hence, this will boost their chances of reaching higher levels of success and project effectiveness. Lastly, the findings are foreseen to aid project managers in adjusting their strategies when considering future implementation plans via a broad picture and understanding of SM and their relationships in CMPs. Practical implications: Investigating and assessing the methods for analysing and engaging stakeholders is expected to assist project managers in improving projects’ performance and completing construction within the predefined time and cost. Besides, it enhances and strengthens the present body of knowledge in SM study domains and provides a starting point for practitioners and academics. Originality: This study contributes significantly by investigating and assessing the methods for analysing and engaging stakeholders in MCPs. Moreover, the findings are important for all concerned project stakeholders and are considered as a roadmap for effective stakeholder management in MCPs.


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How to Cite
Mashali, A., & Eltantawy, A. (2024). Practical approach for analysing and engaging stakeholders in construction megaprojects. Building Engineering, 2(1), 509.