Architecting sustainability performances and enablers for grid-interactive efficient buildings

  • Riadh Habash School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada
  • Md Mahmud Hasan School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada
Ariticle ID: 1301
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Keywords: grid-interactive efficient building; digital twins; building information modeling; human-in-the-loop; human-cyber-physical security


Today, grid-interactive, efficient buildings are gaining popularity due to their potential sustainability performances through their ability to learn, adapt, and evolve at different scales to improve the quality of life of their users while optimizing resource usage and service availability. This is realized through various practices such as management and control measures enabled by smart grid technologies, interoperability, and human-cyber-physical security. However, despite their great potential, the research of those technologies still faces various challenges. These include a lack of communication and control infrastructure to address interpretability, security, cost barriers, and difficulties balancing occupant needs with grid benefits. Initially, system modelling and simulation are promising approaches to address those challenges ahead of time. It involves consideration of complex systems made up of components from various research domains. This paper addresses the above practices, highlighting the value of integrating technology and intelligence in the planning and operation of buildings, both new and old. It provides a way to educate architects and engineers about this emerging field and demonstrates how these practices can help in creating efficient, resilient, and secure buildings that contribute to occupant comfort and decarbonization.


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How to Cite
Habash, R., & Hasan, M. M. (2024). Architecting sustainability performances and enablers for grid-interactive efficient buildings. Building Engineering, 2(1), 1301.