Physical comfort in Statiko Coffee Shop, Wonosobo, Indonesia
This research aims to analyze the environmental conditions inside and outside the Statiko Coffee Shop, Wonosobo, Indonesia, with a focus on noise, light intensity, air temperature, and humidity. Measurements were carried out at certain time intervals starting from 15:00 to 23:00. The collected data shows significant variations in each observed parameter. Indoors, noise levels varied, light intensity was recorded, air temperature fluctuated, and humidity ranged from 78.0% to 85.0%. Outdoors, wider variations in noise, light intensity, air temperature, and humidity were seen. The results of this research show the importance of good understanding and design regarding ventilation and environmental management to create comfort for visitors in a coffee shop. This information can be used as a basis for designing an effective ventilation system and maintaining good indoor air quality, as well as considering external environmental influences such as noise and light intensity. Further research is needed to provide more specific recommendations for optimizing the environment at the Statiko Coffee Shop, Wonosobo, Indonesia.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Hermawan Hermawan, Syah Reza Pahlavi Muhammad, Daffa Amrulloh Mohamad, Nabila Arrizqi Annisa

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