Indoor environmental quality in architecture: A Review
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is vital for the well-being, health, and productivity of people in architectural spaces. As the awareness of the importance of IEQ has grown, there has been significant development and research in this field. This article aims to provide an overview of the recent trends in IEQ research in architecture. It emphasizes the significance of creating healthy and comfortable indoor spaces and highlights how IEQ can impact occupants’ well-being and productivity. The article discusses various factors that influence IEQ, such as air quality, thermal comfort, lighting, and acoustics. Additionally, it examines the advancements in design strategies and technologies aimed at improving IEQ. Finally, the article concludes by identifying future research directions and potential areas of innovation in the field of indoor environmental quality. This review highlights that indoor environmental quality (IEQ) has become a central focus in architecture, with research underscoring the significance of creating healthy and comfortable spaces for occupants. Future studies should focus on integrating smart technologies, health-centered design, addressing the impacts of climate change, and enhancing the multi-sensory experience to further improve IEQ and promote human well-being.
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