Analysis of skilled labor shortage in the construction industry of developing countries
Labor productivity is an essential component for the effective execution of a project. This research aimed to determine the cause of the labor crisis in the construction industry of developing countries. This research focuses on numerous aspects such as the trades of shorted skilled labor, the shortage causes, the effects of the shortage of skilled labor in industry, the characteristics that skilled labor should have, and the mitigation strategies. The field survey conducted included twelve trades, sixteen causes, nine effects, and eleven characteristics of skilled labor. The top three trades with a significant shortage are heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) installer technicians, wood carpenters, and glazier/aluminum workers. The top three causes accountable for the labor shortage are irregular and low wages, poor training, and economic change. Extension in the duration of the project and Errors during construction emerged as the top two effects caused by a shortage. The top three characteristics of skilled labor are technical competence, in-depth knowledge of handling tools and equipment, determination, and persistence. The survey concluded that offering advantageous wages and benefits, providing opportunities for advancement and professional development, and establishing a positive work environment can effectively reduce the effects of labor shortages by recruiting and retaining skilled individuals.
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