A comparative research of the Piloti-type RC structure and non-Piloti-type RC structure under the nonlinear pushover analysis

  • Mo Shi School of Architecture, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea; HaXell Elevator Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201801, China
  • Minwoo Choi School of Architecture, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
  • Yeol Choi School of Architecture, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
Article ID: 1834
Keywords: Piloti-type RC structure; nonlinear pushover analysis; seismic damage; structural simulation; SAP 2000


With the ongoing acceleration of the urbanization process, a large portion of the population is concentrated in urban areas, leading to significant issues with living space. The increasing number of vehicles necessitates more parking space, and the phenomenon of urbanization requires new building structures that can accommodate this need. As a result, there has been a rise in Piloti-type RC (reinforced concrete) structures, particularly in the Republic of Korea. These structures utilize their open ground floors for various purposes such as parking, storage, and social spaces, adding functional diversity to buildings and receiving positive reviews for these advantages. However, the open ground floor can potentially create security vulnerabilities if not adequately secured or monitored. This was evident during the Pohang earthquake in 2017 when numerous Piloti-type RC structures sustained more severe damage than conventional RC structures. Therefore, numerous previous researchers have emphasized the importance of ensuring structural safety in Piloti-type RC structures. In this research, the structural designs under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport of the Republic of Korea were used as a basis for simulation in SAP 2000. The focus was on comparing the structural performance of a typical Piloti-type RC structure with and without the Piloti-type design using nonlinear pushover analysis. The findings of this research are expected to provide a clear understanding of the differences between Piloti-type RC structures and non-Piloti-type RC structures. Additionally, based on the specific characteristics of Piloti-type RC structural vulnerabilities identified through nonlinear pushover analysis, this research is anticipated to serve as a valuable reference for reinforcing existing Piloti-type RC structures to better resist seismic activities, thereby reducing human casualties and economic damage resulting from seismic events.


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How to Cite
Shi, M., Choi, M., & Choi, Y. (2024). A comparative research of the Piloti-type RC structure and non-Piloti-type RC structure under the nonlinear pushover analysis. Building Engineering, 3(1), 1834. https://doi.org/10.59400/be1834