Determination of the importance of material management activities in construction works in terms of their contribution to productivity
In a construction project, a significant part of the costs and construction process is controlled by materials. It is possible to significantly increase productivity at the construction site with successful material management. In this study, first, a comprehensive literature review on material management processes was conducted and how material planning, material procurement, material acceptance and inspection, storage and inventory control, material handling and productivity issues were discussed in the literature was reviewed. Then, the contribution of nine criteria regarding material management to productivity was evaluated through surveys conducted at different construction sites. The study revealed that there were significant differences between the participants’ evaluations according to their gender, education level, profession and construction site size. However, according to general evaluations, the most important criteria were found to be proper storage of materials, identification of critical materials and proper handling of materials. It is evaluated that the study will be a guide for stakeholders in the establishment of material management processes.
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