Building materials alternative approaches: A bibliometric and review approach

  • Nathalie Tornay LRA—Laboratoire de Recherche en Architecture, ENSA—École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Toulouse, Université de Toulouse, 31106 Toulouse, France
Article ID: 1314
Keywords: building material; alternative material; environmental impact; systemic; bibliometry


In this paper, we develop a global vision of environmental impact with alternative building materials in architectural design. A bibliometric study is based on 1827 scientific research publications on alternative materials produced between 1998 and 2022. More than 90% of these documents have been published in the last ten years. This bibliometric study goal is to develop a systemic approach for the characterisation of alternative solutions in the context of scarce resource context and climate change. This study highlights three different approaches: 1) an ‘integrative’ approach that develops an implementation approach combining environmental concerns and design teams’ own working methods in the selection of materials; 2) an ‘additive’ approach that selects some environmental criteria (carbon footprint and energy consumption) in addition to implementation issues; 3) a ‘subtractive’ approach that focuses solely on implementation issues.


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How to Cite
Tornay, N. (2024). Building materials alternative approaches: A bibliometric and review approach. Building Engineering, 2(2), 1314.