Manganese and iron-doped yttrium borate as an excellent multifunctional inorganic material
Manganese and iron-doped π-YBO3 have been synthesized using a modified epoxide-mediated gel method. The PXRD pattern evaluated the formation of the desired phase and the structural changes. EDS spectra determined the elemental analysis of undoped and doped samples. Raman spectra observed the stretching and bending modes of B-O bonds. The direct band gaps for doped samples were 1.47 and 2.07 eV, respectively, lower than the band gap value of 5.81 eV for π-YBO3. The green and blue indigo emission bands were observed in the photoluminescence spectra. Doped samples showed good magnetic properties as they are antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic at low temperature (T = 5 K) M-H plot and SQUID measurement. An indigenously built Sawyer-Tower circuit is used to measure ferroelectric hysteresis. Photodegradation studies of RhB were conducted under UV-visible irradiation.
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