Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024)

  • Open Access


    Article ID: 167

    Octagonal-square tessellation model for masting GSM network: A case study of MTN Kumasi-East, Ghana

    by Elvis Kobina Donkoh, Francois Mahama, Shaibu Osman, Dominic Otoo, Joseph Ackora-Prah

    Journal of AppliedMath, Vol.2, No.4, 2024; 52 Views, 11 PDF Downloads

    Masting in GSM network design is one of the most challenging problems in cell planning. The effect of uniform design pattern has been proven geographically to be hexagonal using uniform cell range. In this paper, we present a new uniform greedy semi-regular tessellation model called the octagonal square tessellation model (OSTM) to address the problem of global minimum overlap difference and area. Data from MTN Kumasi-East Ghana was collected and analyzed using the developed model. The original layout for the 0.6 km cell range accounted for an overlap difference of 937.66 m and a total area of 21.41 km 2 for 50 GSM mosts whereas the OSTM model accounted for an overlap difference of 1316.95 m with an area of 34.23 km 2 . This is a 59.87% reduction of the original total area. Our solution is shown to be optimal in overlap difference and area for non-uniform cell range.

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  • Open Access


    Article ID: 553

    GeoGebra—A great platform for experiential learning, explorations and creativity in mathematics

    by Qamil Kllogjeri, Pellumb Kllogjeri

    Journal of AppliedMath, Vol.2, No.4, 2024; 18 Views, 9 PDF Downloads

    In this paper we are presenting some examples of how GeoGebra is used in: a) explaining concepts of the first derivative, monotony, extremums; b) studying the properties of the function (strictly increasing/decreasing); c) demonstrating the mean value theorem. The results and the conclusions are based on the experiment carried out in the teaching and learning process in the chapter of derivatives in a third-year class of a secondary school in Albania. Also, there are some encouraging facts got by the use of GeoGebra: the double representation and the dynamic features of GeoGebra allow the students to quickly grasp the mathematical concepts and properties and be actively involved in further explorations. The use of GeoGebra tools is similar to the use of the tools of virtual games, and this is a great advantage to stimulate the students to learn mathematics and master their mathematical performance the same way they play games. On the other side, using GeoGebra, it is easier for the teachers to explain mathematical concepts, the properties of algebraic objects, to discuss about different situations and aspects of the subject under study and to methodically reason the results got. GeoGebra provides a very commodious environment for the students to effectively interoperate with each other. Our results showed that GeoGebra is effective in teaching and learning mathematics. GeoGebra software contributed in enhancing students’ understanding of mathematical concepts and improved students’ interest to learn mathematics. Also, we admit that not all the stages of implementing GeoGebra software in the classroom are flowing smoothly. Based on our experience and the other researchers, it is observed that the effectiveness is dependent on the way GeoGebra is integrated in the teaching and learning process, implying that the research must continue with the commitment of many researchers of mathematics, physics and other sciences.

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