Wronskian representations of the solutions to the Burgers’ equation

  • Pierre Gaillard IMB UMR 5584, Université Bourgogne Europe, CNRS, F-21000 Dijon, France
Article ID: 2285
Keywords: Wronskians; rational solutions; determinants


A representation of the solutions to the Burgers’ equation by the Wronskiens is given. For this, we use particular polynomials and we obtain a very efficient method to construct solutions to this equation. We deduce rational solutions from the latter equation. We explicitly build solutions for first orders.


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How to Cite
Gaillard, P. (2025). Wronskian representations of the solutions to the Burgers’ equation. Journal of AppliedMath, 3(1), 2285. https://doi.org/10.59400/jam2285