Team-based learning—An approach to enhance collaboration and academic success in engineering education: A comprehensive study
Team-Based Learning (TBL) has emerged as an effective pedagogical approach for promoting active learning, collaboration, and academic success in higher education. This article explores the fundamental principles and implementation framework of TBL, emphasizing its relevance in engineering education, where the development of both technical and transversal skills, such as teamwork and problem-solving, is critical. Drawing on an extensive literature review and the authors’ practical experience, the study examines the benefits and challenges associated with TBL, including increased student engagement, improved knowledge retention, and the development of critical skills. Additionally, it addresses obstacles such as resistance to change, time constraints, and the need for faculty training. The article further analyzes the potential integration of TBL with emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and hybrid methodologies, creating more dynamic and interactive learning environments. This comprehensive analysis aims to support teachers and institutions in adopting TBL, thereby contributing to the enhancement of the quality and impact of the teaching-learning process.
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