Editorial Team


Name: Dr. Surapati Pramanik 
Affiliation: Nandalal Ghosh B.T. College, India
Interests: Soft computing; Operations research; Decision sciences; Education technology; Comparative study; Math education


Editorial Board Members

Name: Prof. Maria Dolores Garcia Pastor
Affiliation: University of Valencia, Spain
Interests: grammar instruction and learning in EFL; digital storytelling and identity; anxiety in EFL learning
Name: Dr. Sara De Freitas
Affiliation: University of London, UK
Interests: Immersive education; Educational technology; Pedagogy; Learning analytics; Learner engagement
Name: Dr. Sergio Tobón
Affiliation: CIFE University Center, Mexico
Interests: Socioformation, Socioformative projects, Artificial intelligence, 21st century skills, Ethical life project, Sustainable social development, Complex thinking
Name: Prof. Honggang Liu
Affiliation: Soochow University, China
Interests: Teacher Education; language learning and teaching psychology; sociolinguistics
Name: Dr. Javier García-García
Affiliation: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México
Interests: Teaching and learning; Pedagogy and education; Research methods; Mathematical connections; Teaching experiment; Metacognition; Education; Ethnomathematics
Name: Prof. Tezcan Kartal
Affiliation: Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, Faculty of Education, Türkiye
Interests: Misconceptions in Science Education, Socioscientific Pedagogy, Teacher Beliefs, Argumentation, Micro Teaching, and Technology Integration
Name: Prof. Antonio Luque De La Rosa
Affiliation: Universidad de Almería, Spain
Interests: Psychopedagogical guidance, Diversity attention and teaching at various educational levels
Name: Prof. Azizollah Arbabisarjou
Affiliation: Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Interests: Educational administration, Medical Education
Name: Prof. Tetiana Humeniuk
Affiliation: R. Glier Kyiv Municipal Academy of Music, Ukraine
Interests: Philosophy of Art, Aesthetics, Cultures, Music Culture, Memory Culture, Culture, Art, Educational Management, Modern Culture
Name: Prof. Nematullah Shomoossi
Affiliation: Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Interests: Applied Linguistics, Healthcare and Medical Communications, Medical Journalism, Classroom Management
Name: Dr. Yalalem Assefa
Affiliation: Woldia University, Ethiopia
Interests: educational policy and leadership; indigenous knowledge and wisdom; lifelong learning; adult education; community development; educational research; educational technology
Name: Assoc. Prof. Yi-Huang Shih
Affiliation: Minghsin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Interests: Early Childhood Education, Philosophy of Education
Name: Prof. Larry K Olsen
Affiliation: (retired) Logan University, US
Interests: Curriculum Development; Online Learning; Teaching Experience; Teaching and Learning; Pedagogy and Education; Pedagogy; E-Learning
Name: Prof. Borka Jerman Blazic
International Postgraduate school Jožef Stefan and Jožef Stefan Institute
Interests: Education; Cybersecurity and resilence; Digitalisation and its social impact; Internet governance
Name: Prof. Rita Panaoura
Affiliation: Frederick University, Cyprus
Interests: Inquiry-based teaching and learning, Metacognition, The development of students’ and teachers’ self-regulatory strategies and abilities, Mathematics teaching and learning
Name: Dr. Marta Talavera
Affiliation: University of Valencia, Spain
Interests: Education; Health; Gender Studies; Violence; Coexistence; School
Name: Dr. Jianlin Hou
Affiliation: Peking University Health Science Center, China
Interests: Health professions education
Name: Dr. Shaofeng Wang
Affiliation: Fuzhou University of International Studies and Trade, China
Interests: Digital Education; Educational Technology; Artificial Intelligence; Metacognition; PLS-SEM; fsQCA; Information Management; Digital Business
Name: Dr. Geert Driessen
Affiliation: (retired) Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Interests: 1. Early childhood education and care; 2. Dialects, regional languages, bilingual education, language development; 3. Educational careers; 4. Educational priority policy, educational inequality, educational opportunities, educational disadvantage; 5. Parental involvement, engagement and participation; 6. Religion, denomination, Islamic schools
Name: Dr. Fred Awaah
Affiliation: University of Professional Studies, Ghana
Interests: Higher education management, Public administration, Entrepreneurship and ICT education
Name: Prof. Fatemeh Khonamri
Affiliation: University of Mazandaran, Iran
Interests: Innovativepedagogical practices in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, The role of technology-enhanced learning, Interdisciplinary perspectives such as chaos theory in language acquisition, translanguaging and critical thinking
Name: Prof. Arumugam Raman
Affiliation: Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Interests: Educational Technology, Instructional Technology, Computers in Education, Educational Research Methodology, Technology and ICT, Statistics for Educational Research and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)
Name: Prof. Caroline Walker-Gleaves
Affiliation: Newcastle University, UK
Interests: Models of pedagogic caring within compulsory and higher education, co-relation of pedagogic relational practices with academic outcomes; Practices of music teachers within schools, especially to curriculum design, the cultural impact of music in schools, and the design of classrooms for musicality and musical performance; Educational progress and achievement of adopted children and the construction of teachers' beliefs about, and aspirations for adopted children, and an exploration of home-school relations
Name: Dr. Qionghao Huang
Affiliation: Zhejiang Normal University, China
Interests: Educational technology; Machine learning; Intelligent education applications
Dr. Jordi Braso-Rius
University of Barcelona
Interests: Critical education; History of education; Physical education; Pedagogy
Name: Prof. Evangelia Mavrikaki
Affiliation: National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
Interests: Biology teaching; Health education; Argumentation in Socio-scientific issues (SSI) and in Biology; Environmental literacy–Health literacy
Name: Prof. Jozef Colpaert   
Affiliation: University of Antwerp, Belgium
Interests: Motivational language tasks, natural language processing, educational engineering, distributed design of multimodal learning environments, transdisciplinarity, Open Data, contextualization
Name: Dr. Milan Kubiatko
Affiliation: J. E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Czech Repubilc
Interest: science education;quantitative research;alternative conceptions;attitudes
Name:Dr. Muhammad Kristiawan
Affiliation: Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia
Interests: teacher education;language education;educational management
Name: Dr. Verónica Vasconcelos
Affiliation: Polytechnic University of Coimbra, Portugal
Interests: steam education; technology in education; medical image processing; biomedical applications
Name: Dr. Almighty Cortezo Tabuena
Affiliation: University of the City of Valenzuela, Philippines
Interests: qualitative and multi-method research; quantitative social research; educational assessment; secondary education; teacher education
Name: Dr. Juan Guillermo Mansilla Sepúlveda
Affiliation: Catholic University of Temuco, Chile
Interests: history of education in Latin America; teacher training; interculturalism and indigenous peoples; cultural diversity and multiculturalism
Name: Dr. Deveci Tanju
Affiliation: Antalya Bilim University, Turkey
Interests: fields of pragmatics; academic writing skills; andragogy; lifelong learning skills; learning styles
Name: Dr. Yong Shee Mun
Affiliation: University of Wollongong Malaysia, Malaysia
Interests: education entrepreneurship; social and cultural study that deals with human behaviour
Name: Prof. Eliza Stefanova
Affiliation: Sofia University St., Bulgaria
Interests: computer science; education
Name: Dr. Abdullah Aydin
Affiliation: Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Turkey
Interests: curriculum theory; education studies and sustainability; chemistry education; science process skills
Name: Dr. Xiaodong Zhang
Affiliation: Beijing Foreign Studies University, China
Interests: special education; teacher education; language education
Name: Dr. Jupeth T. Pentang
Affiliation: Western Philippines University, Philippines
Interests: educational management; statistics; mathematics education; teacher education
Name: Dr. Michail Kalogiannakis
Affiliation: University of Thessaly, Greece
Interests: pre-school education; science education; early years science; distant learning; mobile learning
Name: Prof. Hanna Alieksieieva
Affiliation: Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Interests: Teaching and learning; Pedagogy and education
Name: Dr. Ghadah Al Murshidi
Affiliation: United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Interests: AI; language literacy; Early childhood education