Intelligent process migration in heterogeneous distributed systems
In distributed processing environments, multiple groups of processes are found sharing resources and competing for access. These processes may or may not require synchronization and it is essential to reach a consensus to manage access to resources in a way that establishes a strict order, thus ensuring mutual exclusion. The proposal presented is an innovative and effective solution for the management of shared resources in distributed systems, which allows solving problems related to overload and workload balancing. The evaluation of the state of computational loads and the final comparison using standard deviation are useful tools to detect and correct imbalances in the system. In addition, the possibility of establishing initial configurations of the algorithm for each particular situation allows adapting the solution to the specific needs of each system.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Terecio Diosnel Marecos Brizuela, David Luis La Red Martínez, Federico Agostini, Jorge Tomás Fornerón Martínez

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