Editorial Team


Prof. Shaohua Wan
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Interests: interpretable artificial intelligence; edge intelligence; multimedia intelligence

Associate Editor 

Prof. Vijayakumar Varadarajan
La Trobe University
Interests: grid computing; cloud computing; computer networks; cyber security; big data

Editorial Board Members

Prof. Syed Muzamil Basha
REVA University
Interests: Big Data Analytics; Block Chain Management; Internet of Things
Dr. Junyu Xuan
University of Technology Sydney
Interests: probabilistic machine learning; Bayesian inference; Bayesian deep learning; reinforcement learning
Dr. Abdullah Ayub Khan
Bahria University
Interests: blockchain; IoT; information security; artificial intelligence; digital forensics
Assoc. Prof. Ata Jahangir Moshayedi
Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
Interests: robotic; service robot; AI; machine vision
Prof. Mingchu Li
Jiangxi Normal University
Interests: information security and big data; edge computing and artificial intelligence; graph theory and its applications 
Assoc. Prof. Jie Zhang
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Interests: public key cryptography; blockchain; dataset poisoning 
Prof. Parikshit N Mahalle
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
Interests: AI; data science; IoT; algorithms 
Asst. Prof. Anjum Razzaque
Western Illinois University
United States
Interests: artificial intelligence; cybersecurity; supply chain management
Prof. William Cheng-Chung Chu
Fuyao Institute of Science and Technology
Interests: AI; software engineering 
Prof. Umesh C. Pati
National Institute of Technology
Interests: computer vision; image/video processing; ML; DL; IoT
Prof. Jun Ye
Ningbo University
Interests: fuzzy decision theory and methods; intelligent control; soft computing; robotics; medical diagnostics
Dr. Jiakai Wang
Zhongguancun Laboratory
Interests: trustworthy AI in multimodal (computer vision mainly), auto-driving
Prof. Grigorios N. Beligiannis
University of Patras
Interests: algorithms of decision theory; intelligent algorithm applications to operations research problems; business intelligence systems
Prof. Chin-Shiuh Shieh
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
Interests: computer networking; wireless communication; information security; computational intelligence; embedded systems; medical informatics
Prof. Janusz Kacprzyk
Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Interests: computational intelligence; machine learning; data mining and knowledge discovery; neural networks and artificial intelligence
Prof. Esma Aïmeur
University of Montreal
Interests: knowledge acquisition, machine learning; conversational agents; privacy-enhancing technologies; privacy-preserving data mining
Assoc. Prof. Marcin Paprzycki
Polish Academy of Sciences
Interests: software agents; agent systems; semantic technologies; high performance computing; data analytics
Prof. Inam Ullah
Gachon University
Interests: robotics; Internet of Things (IoT); wireless sensor networks (WSNs); underwater communication and localization; underwater sensor networks (USNs); Artificial intelligence (AI); big data; deep learning
Dr. Shashi Kant Gupta
Eudoxia Research University
United States
Interests: cloud computing; machine learning; IoT; blockchain; artificial intelligence
Prof. Yi-Chung Hu
Chung Yuan Christian University
Interests: data mining; management science; soft computing
Dr. Neelamadhab Padhy
Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology
Interests: software reusability; cost-efficient reusability prediction; evolutionary computing; OOM; W-o-S
Prof. Omar Cheikhrouhou
University of Sfax
Interests: wireless sensor networks; cybersecurity; edge computing; blockchain; multi-robot system coordination
Prof. Kibum Kim
Hanyang University
Interests: human–computer interaction (HCI); computer supported cooperative work (CSCW); computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL); and virtual; augmented; and mixed reality (VR/AR/MR)
Prof. Maki K. Habib
The American University in Cairo
Interests: autonomous robots; humanitarian demining and robotics; drones; electrical autonomous vehicles; machine learning; distributed mixed realities
Prof. Dr. Yousef Daradkeh
Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University
Saudi Arabia
Interests: computer systems; artificial intelligence; context-aware computing
Prof. Hao Ying
Wayne State University
United States
Interests: theory and applications of fuzzy control; fuzzy systems; machine learning; system modeling; control systems; fuzzy discrete event systems; multi-agent systems; image/signal processing; and expert systems
Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mallick
Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology
Interests: data mining; machine learning; medical image processing
Prof. Salah Bourennane
Aix Marseille Université
Interests: image processing; signal, image and video processing; computer vision; pattern recognition; signal processing; feature extraction
Prof. Ibrahim A Hameed   
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet
Interests: control & automation; robotics & navigation; optimization & AI; GPS; path planning
Prof. Alberto Gotta
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Interests: wireless networks; Internet of Things; network
Prof. Shuo-Tsung Chen
Tunghai University
Interests: Internet of Things; biomedicine; artificial intelligence; digital image processing; digital signal processing
Prof. Saeed Alsamhi
Ibb University
Interests: autonomous mobile edge computing; drone computing; multi-robot collaboration; human-robot interaction; activity and emotion recognition; Internet of Things; edge intelligence
Prof. Chao Zhang
Shanxi University
Interests: data mining; machine learning; granular computing; intelligent decision-making
Dr. Mohammad Khishe
Imam Khomeini Marine Science University​
Interests: sonar; signal processing; neural network; FPGA; evolutionary algorithm
Dr. Pushpendu Kar
University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Interests: wireless sensor networks; Internet of Things; content-centric networking; machine learning; blockchain
Prof. Sudan Jha
Kathmandu University
Interests: Internet of Things; artificial intelligence; quality assessment and security issues in IoT devices
Prof. Mohammed Baz
Taif University
Saudi Arabia
Interests: deep learning; Internet of Things; network security
Prof. Xin Liu
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology
Interests: artificial intelligence; signal processing; computer vision and pattern recognition; social psychology
Prof. Ray-I Chang
National Taiwan University
Interests: data mining (by machine learning); multimedia networking; real-time scheduling (in embedded systems)
Prof. Cihan Karakuzu
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University
Interests: simulation and modelling; numerical algorithms; artificial intelligence; computer learning and pattern recognition; fuzzy sets and systems; evolutionary computing; neural networks; electronics; engineering and technology