The potential role of domain vectors in optimizing digital data structure

  • Wolfgang Orthuber Kiel University, 24118 Kiel, Germany; University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, 24105 Kiel, Germany
Article ID: 1884
Keywords: definition and domain of information; temporally ordered information; nested domains of information


Each piece of information represents a selection from a set of possibilities. This set is the “domain of information”, which must be uniformly known before any information transport. The components of digital information are also sequences of numbers that represent a selection from a domain of information. So far, however, there is no guarantee that this domain is uniformly known. There is still no infrastructure that makes it possible to publish the domain of digital information in a uniform manner. Therefore, a standardized machine-readable online definition of the binary format and the domain of digital number sequences is proposed. These are uniquely identified worldwide as domain vectors (DVs) by an efficient Internet address of the online definition. As a result, optimized, language-independent digital information can be uniformly defined, identified, efficiently exchanged and compared worldwide for more and more applications.


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How to Cite
Orthuber, W. (2025). The potential role of domain vectors in optimizing digital data structure. Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 3(1), 1884.