Implementation of a solar-thermal hybrid air conditioning system in Muscat for energy conservation

  • Muthuraman Subbiah Department of Engineering, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat 133, Oman
  • Saravanan Natarajan Department of Engineering, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat 133, Oman
  • Sivaraj Murugan Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu 629401, India
  • Kumar Ayyappan Department of Applied Sciences, Amrita College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu 629901, India
Ariticle ID: 1380
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Keywords: solar energy; energy conservation; radiation; hybrid air conditioning; thermal energy


The need for global energy conservation has become more urgent because of the negative effects of excessive energy use, such as higher fuel consumption, greater environmental pollution, and depletion of the ozone layer. There has been a significant increase in the demand for central and high-capacity household air conditioning systems in Muscat in recent years. The need for this is influenced by factors such as arid climate, increasing temperatures, air pollution, and population increase. As a result, there has been a significant increase in electricity use, putting a strain on power resources. To tackle this difficulty, the incorporation of solar collectors as supplementary thermal compressors in air conditioning systems offers a chance to utilise renewable energy sources. The objective of this hybrid technique is to enhance the effectiveness of cooling systems, hence minimising the need for electricity and lowering the release of environmental pollutants.


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How to Cite
Subbiah, M., Natarajan, S., Murugan, S., & Ayyappan, K. (2024). Implementation of a solar-thermal hybrid air conditioning system in Muscat for energy conservation. Building Engineering, 2(1), 1380.