The journal of Applied Psychology Research (APR) is officially launched!


Applied Psychology Research (APR), an international academic journal owned by Academic Publishing Pte. Ltd. was officially launched. The journal adopts an open access model and the articles in the first issue are free access to the readers.

The journal looks for original research in all empirical and theoretical areas of psychology. It aims to gain a deeper understanding of the mental processes of individuals, organizations, and institutions, including cognitive, motivational, affective, and behavioral reasons in various situations. We accept research published in all aspects of applied psychology and invite articles on themes such as:

  • Social Psychology
  • Educational Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Managerial Psychology
  • Economic Psychology
  • Environmental Psychology
  • Engineering Psychology
  • Sport Psychology
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology



Prof. Giuseppe Lanza

Oasi Research Institute-IRCCS, Italy


Publication Frequency: Semi-annual


Please check the Policies and Author Guidelines before you submit a manuscript. Manuscript process system is open already, and please prepare the checklist and manuscript referring to the Template.


Submitting a manuscript:

Author Guidelines:

Focus and scope:

Peer review process:

Submission inquiries:

Journal office:

APR website: