Newton’s forward interpolation method for solving nonlinear algebraic equation

  • Nasr Al Din Ide Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Aleppo University, Aleppo 021, Syria
Ariticle ID: 64
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Keywords: Newton’s forward interpolation, nonlinear algebraic equations, interpolation


As we know, the interpolation is one of the most basic and most useful numerical techniques in Mathematics. Newton’s forward interpolation method is one of most important of these methods. Its most important task in numerical analysis to find roots of nonlinear equations, several methods already exist to find roots. But in this paper, we introduce the interpolation technique for this purpose. The proposed method derived from the newton forward interpolation method and we compared the results with another existing method (Bisection Method (BM), Regula-Falsi Method (RFM), Secant Method (SM), Newton Raphson Method (NRM)) and the method proposed by J. Sanaullah (SJM). It’s observed that the proposed method has fast convergence but it has same order of convergence of the method (SJM). Maple software is used to solve problems by different methods.


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How to Cite
Ide, N. A. D. (2023). Newton’s forward interpolation method for solving nonlinear algebraic equation. Journal of AppliedMath, 1(2), 64.