The Markov chain of Hidden Markov Model of interaction of the K-RAS4B proteins in catalytic environment with lipid membranes has a Hilbert measure

  • Orchidea Maria Lecian Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy
Article ID: 484
Keywords: Markov chains; Hidden Markov Models; Hilbert metrics; existence and uniqueness of measure


A Hidden Markov Model containing both stationary Markov processes and time-varying Markov processes is considered: the corresponding Markov chain is newly proven to be one whose transition operators are on a space with Hilbert metric (whose measure exists and is unique). The Markov chain is therefore newly proven to be one with bounded moments. The further mathematical developments are envisaged. Applications are newly given for the analytical expressions of description of allosteric systems. The model of interaction of the K-RAS4B proteins with lipid membranes is newly considered accordingly; new drug design is explained.


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How to Cite
Lecian, O. M. (2024). The Markov chain of Hidden Markov Model of interaction of the K-RAS4B proteins in catalytic environment with lipid membranes has a Hilbert measure. Journal of AppliedMath, 2(2), 484.