Pseudosymmetric normal paracontact metric space forms admitting (α, β)−type almost η−Ricci-Yamabe solitons

  • Tuğba Mert Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, 58140 Sivas, Turkey
  • Mehmet Atçeken Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Aksaray University, 68100 Aksaray, Turkey
Article ID: 231
Keywords: ricci-pseudosymmetric manifold; η−Ricci-Yamabe soliton; normal paracontact metric space form


In this paper, we have considered normal paracontact metric space forms admitting (α, β)−type almost η−Ricci-Yamabe solitons by means of some curvature tensors. Ricci pseudosymmetry concepts of normal paracontact metric space forms admitting (α, β)−type almost η−Ricci-Yamabe soliton have introduced according to choosing of some special curvature tensors such as Riemann, concircular, projective, W1 curvature tensor. After that, according to choosing of the curvature tensors, necessary conditions are given for normal paracontact metric space form admitting (α, β)−type almost η−Ricci-Yamabe soliton to be Ricci semisymmetric. Then some characterizations are obtained and some classifications are made under the some conditions.


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How to Cite
Mert, T., & Atçeken, M. (2024). Pseudosymmetric normal paracontact metric space forms admitting (α, β)−type almost η−Ricci-Yamabe solitons. Journal of AppliedMath, 2(2), 231.