Editorial for Journal of AppliedMath (Volume 1, Issue 4)

  • Sara I. Abdelsalam Basic Science, Faculty of Engineering, The British University in Egypt, Al-Shorouk City, Cairo 11837, Egypt
Article ID: 1237


Numerous fields employ applied mathematics to find solutions to a wide range of problems. Mathematical ideas and expertise are fascinating. Researchers never give up on completing such theories and knowledge to apply them to solving the most recent and challenging problems. Readers will find this issue to be a captivating investigation into applied mathematics from multiple aspects. For instance, some researchers finished the earlier mathematical theories and confirmed the classical mathematical conjecture, and other researchers created mathematical models to address frequently occurring situations. This issue may offer readers helpful information.


[1]Khare M, Chitta K. A logical approach to validate the Goldbach conjecture: Part I. Journal of AppliedMath 2023; 1(4): 192. doi: 10.59400/jam.v1i4.192

[2]Uygun P. Some important notes on an almost α-cosymplectic (k, µ, ν)-manifolds. Journal of AppliedMath 2023; 1(4): 202. doi: 10.59400/jam.v1i4.202

[3]Osa E, Orukpe P, Usiholo I. Development of a stacked hybrid Decision Tree model leveraging the NSL-KDD dataset. Journal of AppliedMath 2023; 1(4): 271. doi: 10.59400/jam.v1i4.271

How to Cite
Abdelsalam, S. I. (2023). Editorial for Journal of AppliedMath (Volume 1, Issue 4). Journal of AppliedMath, 1(4), 1237. https://doi.org/10.59400/jam.v1i4.1237