
Journal of AppliedMath (JAM, eISSN: 2972-4805) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal that is dedicated to the publication of high-quality research in the field of mathematics. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, JAM provides a platform for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers to share their findings and insights across a broad spectrum of applied mathematical disciplines. It publishes various article types including Original Research Articles, Reviews, Editorials, and Perspectives. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. At JAM, we believe that thorough research deserves comprehensive presentation. Therefore, we require that the full account of the research be provided, enabling other researchers to reproduce the results. 

JAM is committed to advancing the frontiers of applied mathematics and looks forward to contributing to the global scientific discourse. 

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  • Open Access


    Article ID: 2285

    Wronskian representations of the solutions to the Burgers’ equation

    by Pierre Gaillard

    Journal of AppliedMath, Vol.3, No.1, 2025;

    A representation of the solutions to the Burgers’ equation by the Wronskiens is given. For this, we use particular polynomials and we obtain a very efficient method to construct solutions to this equation. We deduce rational solutions from the latter equation. We explicitly build solutions for first orders.

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  • Open Access


    Article ID: 1986

    Fatigue damage model of neoprene rubber sandwiched with bi-directional carbon fabric

    by Krishna Nair, Shrutva Chavda, Pooja Choudhary, Pinkal Patel, Anil Chavada, Jashvant D. Rathod, Rajesh C. Shah

    Journal of AppliedMath, Vol.3, No.1, 2025;

    Fatigue is a phenomenon that occurs in materials when they are subjected to repetitive or cyclic loading, which can lead to the accumulation of damage over a time. The purpose of the present study is to develop a fatigue damage model incorporating experimental test results of axial tension and fatigue that utilizes the principles of continuum damage mechanics (CDM) to predict the damage accumulation in composite. Experimental testing in axial tensile tests involves dumbbell specimens of neoprene rubber sandwiched with bi-directional carbon fabric to constitute a composite material with the help of which material constants C10, C20, and C30 parameters are evaluated by the curve-fitting method. Fatigue tests were conducted for different displacements, from which constants s0 and S0 were figured out using a linear regression method. A mathematical model is developed, and MATLAB is used to relate stress and strain in Yeoh’s strain energy function to describe the nonlinear elastic behavior of elastomers incorporating material parameters evaluated by axial tensile tests and fatigue tests. The MATLAB script was run in ANSYS with this modified Yeoh hyperelastic model for evaluation of damage in composite and compared with damage evaluated by image processing software in scanning electron microscope (SEM) images for validation purposes.

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  • Open Access


    Article ID: 1592

    Background seismicity and seismic correlations

    by Bogdan Felix Apostol

    Journal of AppliedMath, Vol.3, No.1, 2025;

    The law of energy accumulation in the earthquake focus is presented, together with the temporal, energy and magnitude distributions of regular, background earthquakes. The background seismicity is characterized by two parameters—the seismicity rate and the Gutenberg-Richter parameter, which can be extracted by fitting the empirical earthquake distributions. Time-magnitude and temporal correlations are presented, and the information they can provide is discussed. For foreshocks the time-magnitude correlations can be used to forecast (with limitations) the mainshock. The temporal correlations indicate a decrease of the Gutenberg-Richter parameter for small magnitudes, in agreement with empirical observations for foreshocks. On the other hand, the aftershocks may be viewed as independent earthquakes with changed seismic conditions, so they may exhibit an increase of this parameter, also in accordance with empirical observations. The roll-off effect for small magnitudes and the modified Gutenberg-Richter distribution are discussed for temporal corralations, and the derivation of the Bath’s law is briefly reviewed.

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  • Open Access


    Article ID: 2043

    A water wave scattering problem: Revisited

    by Gour Das, Sudeshna Banerjea, B. N. Mandal

    Journal of AppliedMath, Vol.2, No.6, 2024;

    The problem of water wave scattering by a thin vertical wall with a gap submerged in deep water is studied using singular integral equation formulation. The corresponding boundary value problem is reduced to a Cauchy type singular integral equation of first kind in two disjoint intervals where the unknown function satisfying the integral equation has square root zero at the end points of the two intervals. In this case the solution exists if the forcing function satisfies two solvability conditions. The reflection coefficient is determined here using the solvability conditions without solving the integral equation and also the boundary value problem.

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  • Open Access


    Article ID: 2209

    Multistability and organization of chaos and quasiperiodicity in a memristor-based Shimizu-Morioka oscillator under two-frequency excitation

    by Paulo Cesar Rech

    Journal of AppliedMath, Vol.2, No.6, 2024;

    In this paper we investigate the organization of chaos and quasiperiodicity in a parameter plane of a continuous-time three-dimensional nonautonomous dynamical system. More specifically, we investigate a memristor-based Shimizu-Morioka oscillator, where the external excitation is represented by the sum of two different sinusoidal functions with angular frequencies ω1 and ω2. Through a scan carried out in the (ω1, ω2) parameter plane, with the dynamical behavior of each point in the phase-space being characterized by the Lyapunov exponents spectrum, we show that this system presents chaos and quasiperiodicity regions, without presenting, however, periodicity regions. Parameter regions for which the multistability phenomenon was detected, also are observed. Basins of attraction of coexisting chaotic and quasiperiodic attractors, as well as the attractors themselves, are reported.

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  • Open Access


    Article ID: 2152

    Distribution of lattice points in the shifted balls

    by Ilgar Jabbarov, Jeyhun Abdullayev

    Journal of AppliedMath, Vol.2, No.6, 2024;

    In this work we study the mean value of the difference between the number of integer points and the volume of a ball as a function of the center of a ball in the unit cube [0, 1]3, applying new method. This mean value is estimated by its possible exact value. Using methods of Fourier analysis, we lead the question to the estimates of double trigonometric integrals. This method allows consider the question on lattice points in domains of arbitrary nature without any symmetry.

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