The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the soft skills of lecturers
Education institutions quickly made the switch to remote teaching and learning because of the COVID-19 pandemic’s extraordinary problems. This study intends to investigate how the pandemic has affected lecturers’ soft skills, which are vital non-technical and interpersonal skills such as efficient communication, teamwork, adaptation, empathy, problem-solving, and leadership. Data were gathered from lecturers who had firsthand experience with the change to remote teaching through a qualitative study methodology that included interviews and focus group discussions. The research shows that lecturers used new tools, modified their teaching methods, and navigated the virtual environment with amazing flexibility and adaptation. Communication skills improved as lecturers used digital tools to interact with students and offer support. With lecturers attending to academic demands and emotional well-being, empathy and student assistance emerged as crucial. Through creative virtual methods, cooperation and teamwork were promoted. To overcome obstacles, problem-solving skills were used. The study advances knowledge about how the pandemic affected lecturers’ soft skills. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed how instructors use their soft skills. Rapid technological advancement, improved communication abilities, adaptability and flexibility, student support and empathy, and teamwork have all been identified as major areas of change. To successfully adapt to changing educational environments and guarantee the delivery of high-quality education, lecturers will need to further develop these soft skills in the future. By accepting these adjustments, lecturers may not only deal with the difficulties caused by the pandemic but also create a future-focused, welcoming learning atmosphere for their students. Future research should focus on long-term effects, quantitative validation of findings, and evaluation of interventions to improve lecturers’ soft skills in distance learning. In light of changing educational environments, such research can promote lecturers’ professional growth and inform pedagogical methods.
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