Assessment for employability: Is synoptic assessment the answer?

  • Alan Johnston York Business School, York St John University, York YO31 7EX, UK
  • Lyn Johnston Early Years and Education, York College, York YO23 2BB, UK
Article ID: 543
Keywords: assessment; synoptic; teaching and learning; student engagement; employability


The production of job-ready graduates remains one of the key requests of the business community. The purpose of this paper is to re-examine the importance of assessment in developing employability skills and in making graduates more employable. One criticism often levied at higher education institutions is that students understand ideas in subject context but cannot transfer that knowledge into a holistic business context. As such, they have silo ‘mentality’; to be successful in the modern complex working and business environment, they need to understand and command multiplicity. As a conceptual paper, this article seeks to discuss the importance and relevance of assessment and its links to employability. The paper provides a case for the inclusion of synoptic assessment as a tool for developing and demonstrating employability skills. The article emphasises the importance of employability and surrounding issues. The paper provides originality through linking the concepts of education and assessment with the end goals of job readiness and employability. This paper argues for a new approach to assessment that is employability-driven.


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How to Cite
Johnston, A., & Johnston, L. (2024). Assessment for employability: Is synoptic assessment the answer?. Forum for Education Studies, 2(2), 543.