Navigating professional growth: Exploring reflective practices in EFL teacher leadership within Arab higher education contexts
Employing an interpretive lens and utilizing a case study methodology, this research investigated insights from a purposively selected cohort of 12 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher leaders on the significance of reflective practice in their professional growth within an EFL environment. Through a qualitative approach, data was collected via semi-structured interviews and an open-ended questionnaire. The findings reveal the multifaceted operational and instructional leadership roles undertaken by EFL teacher leaders within the hierarchical structures of the English Language Institute (ELI). These leaders demonstrate a commitment to reflective practices and proactive learning, utilizing collegiality and collaborative reflection to enhance their leadership skills and navigate contextual challenges at the ELI. In the landscape of higher education, EFL teacher leadership emerges from intrinsic motivation to learn and adapt to context-specific roles. This entails reflecting on diverse experiences and applying accumulated knowledge to enhance practical leadership competencies.
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