“Stumbling blocks” in the translation of technical documentation

  • Oksana Bielykh Foreign Languages Department, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, 43025 Volyn Region, Lutsk, Ukraine
Ariticle ID: 384
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Keywords: translation; stumbling blocks; technical documentation; special type of a text; strategies for addressing common translation challenges


The objective of this study is to clarify the notion of “technical documentation” and explore the challenges and strategies involved in translating this type of text. Technical documentation is crucial in helping customers understand how to use the product effectively that is why it should be well-structured, allowing users to find the information they need quickly and easily. Examples of technical writing include technical manuals, operating instructions, scientific books, monographs, academic papers and articles, and patent translations. However, several obstacles can impede the translation process, potentially resulting in inaccuracies or misunderstandings. Common translation difficulties include untranslatable words, multiple-word meanings, differences in grammatical and syntactic systems, technical and specialized terminology, and “false friends.” The process of translation of such texts is intricate, involving the transfer of information from one language to another while considering cultural, linguistic, and contextual factors. While translating technical texts, the translator may encounter various obstacles, such as linguistic challenges, source text issues, expertise gaps, and realia. Improving the effectiveness of translating technical documentation involves a combination of best translation practices. Effective communication and collaborative efforts are crucial elements for project success. It is also important for professional translators to be vigilant and use the right resources to avoid common pitfalls and deliver high-quality. By combining these strategies, you can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of translating technical documentation, ensuring that the information is effectively communicated to a global audience.


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How to Cite
Bielykh, O. (2024). “Stumbling blocks” in the translation of technical documentation. Forum for Education Studies, 2(2), 384. https://doi.org/10.59400/fes.v2i2.384