Humanization of society through integration and inclusive education: Challenges and prospects for individuals with visual impairments in Ukraine

Article ID: 279
Keywords: humanisation of society; inclusive education; persons with visual impairments; social rehabilitation; vocational rehabilitation; integrative approach; development of inclusive education


The new concept of humanizing society, founded on the priority of personality development through socialization processes, opens new perspectives for citizens with visual impairments in Ukrainian society. The article analyzes the issue of social adaptation of this category of people through inclusive education, which encompasses preschool, general, and vocational training. The historical, philosophical, psychological, and methodological aspects of implementing an integrative approach to inclusive education for visually impaired individuals are considered. The study emphasizes the importance of the “principle of equal opportunities” in education for children and youth with functional limitations, focusing on the integration of such individuals into the general educational process. It underscores the need for a societal attitude shift towards children with special educational needs and the support for the idea of inclusion at the state level, involving school administrators, educational staff, parents, and other participants in the educational process. The psychological and pedagogical support of children with visual impairments within the context of inclusive education, playing a key role in the development of Ukraine’s modern educational system, is distinguished by its multidisciplinary approach. This support ensures the preparation and psychological readiness of all participants in the educational process for cooperation with children with health issues and includes the prevention and correction of secondary developmental deviations in such children. Special attention is paid to the role of social and pedagogical work in the development of a child with disabilities in accordance with the general patterns of child development, considering secondary symptoms related to abnormal social development. The article investigates the main approaches to implementing inclusive education in the educational space of Ukraine. The author examines the normative legal acts concerning the integration of people with special needs and their impact on the development of democracy. Additionally, an overview of the experience of organizing education for people with visual impairments in Ukraine and abroad is provided. The authors of the article highlight the need for support of regional rehabilitation and social protection programs for people with visual impairments, the creation of scientific-methodological resource centers for inclusive education, and the integration of such children into general education institutions. The conclusions of the study underline that addressing issues of accessibility, inclusion, and humanization of societal relations towards visually impaired individuals will contribute to their successful socialization and professional training, reflecting modern approaches to education and vocational training for blind and visually impaired individuals. The importance and prospects of implementing inclusive education in Ukraine’s educational space are demonstrated and significant for educators, lecturers, and students of pedagogical and technical universities, as well as education and science professionals.


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How to Cite
Tulashvili, Y. (2024). Humanization of society through integration and inclusive education: Challenges and prospects for individuals with visual impairments in Ukraine. Forum for Education Studies, 2(3), 279.