An application of TikTok flipped classroom in art education
This study investigates the effectiveness of the TikTok flipped classroom teaching model in enhancing students’ art design abilities, compared to the traditional teacher-centered teaching model. Using a quasi-experimental design, the research was conducted over a 16-week teaching intervention with two second-year art design classes from a university in Guizhou Province, China. A purposive sampling method was used to select the participants, with 41 students in the experimental group (TikTok flipped classroom model) and 41 students in the control group (traditional teaching model). Both groups had comparable average final exam scores in art-related courses from the spring semester of 2024. The study sought to address three research questions: Whether the traditional teaching model significantly enhances art design abilities, whether the TikTok flipped classroom model has a significant impact, and whether there is a significant difference in art design abilities between the control and experimental groups. Results are expected to provide valuable insights into innovative teaching methods, particularly the use of social media platforms like TikTok, in art education.
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