An interdisciplinary approach to education will help solve many of its urgent problems

  • Alexander Voznyuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, 10008 Zhytomyr, Ukraine
Article ID: 1948
Keywords: interdisciplinary approach; continuous/lifelong education; fundamentalization approach in education; general systems theory; fundamental explanatory models; phenomenon of “half-life” of specialist’s competencies; conceptual thinking; fractal organization of reality


The article considers some of the challenges of our era that modern education has faced: 1) the information boom; 2) narrow specialization in many sciences and technologies; 3) deterioration of human being’s and humankind’s ability to understand themselves and the world; 4) insufficient use of systemic, fundamental, interdisciplinary knowledge in the educational process; 5) deepening the tendency of the profiling of education, expanding the amount of academic disciplines and training time; 6) the phenomenon of “half-life of specialist’s competencies”; 7) the Dunning-Kruger effect; 8) a decrease in the level of conceptual thinking of the participants in the educational process. It is shown that these problems in modern education can be solved with the help of such methods and tools as 1) continuous (lifelong) education; 2) integrated educational technologies (STEM education, educational methods based on frame theory, etc.); 3) a fundamentalization approach in education; 4) interdisciplinary synergetic approach as well as application of interdisciplinary connections in the educational domain; 5) systemic knowledge crystallized on the basis of general systems theory; 6) a modified version of this theory developed by the author; 7) developed by the author fundamental explanatory models/principles of structuring reality that can serve as a fundamental theoretical background for any other type of knowledge when the latter is easily comprehended and acquired on the basis of the fundamental explanatory models/principles due to their universal character. Promising directions of our research are connected with the application of the obtained data in the context of the educational process due to the integrated training courses for students of different types of educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Voznyuk, A. (2025). An interdisciplinary approach to education will help solve many of its urgent problems. Forum for Education Studies, 3(1), 1948.