Adoption and impact of AI-enhanced learning platforms in education
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is rapidly transforming learning environments, and the adoption of AI-based e-learning platforms (AI-ELP) is gaining momentum. However, understanding the factors influencing AI-ELP adoption is crucial to ensure its effective implementation. This research study aims to extend the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) by incorporating technophobia, technophilia, content quality, and functional quality. By examining the psychological tendencies of users toward technology and the quality aspects of AI-ELP, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the adoption process. Through a quantitative study involving research scholars at IIT Kharagpur, the research will identify key factors influencing the acceptance and use of AI-ELP. The findings will have significant implications for educational practitioners, policymakers, and platform developers, enabling them to tailor strategies that address user concerns, enhance platform quality, and promote successful AI-ELP adoption in educational settings.
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