Need for ICT adoption in the teaching of Christian religious education at the basic education level in Nigeria
The acquisition of essential skills and knowledge is considered a primary aim of education to effectively navigate and succeed in various aspects of life. In modern times, the role involves proactive engagement in a society that is rich in information, where knowledge is considered the primary driver for the socio-cultural and politico-economic progress of nations. The teaching and learning of religious education has not fully utilized the abundant resources available in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) era, owing to several limitations. This study analyzed the current status of religious education during this era, as well as the factors that facilitate, inhibit or hinder the integration of ICT in Nigerian basic education level. The research provides recommendations for the effective integration of ICT initiatives in the teaching of Christian religious education within Nigerian basic education level in the contemporary era. The study employed quasi-experimental design. The research suggests that it would be beneficial for Nigerian basic education level to be equipped with contemporary computer laboratories by the appropriate authorities, for the benefit of both basic education level students and teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Elizabeth Akpanke Odey, Justus Onyebuchi Okafor, Gabriel Ajor Eneji, Ekpenyong Obo Ekpenyong

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