Ethics in Nigerian higher education: Mirroring the dilemma in mass communication departments
This study examines the application of ethical principles within Nigerian tertiary institutions, with a specific focus on mass communication departments, including journalism, public relations, and advertising, across selected higher education institutions. Utilizing an online questionnaire distributed to students and conducting interviews with lecturers, the research assesses the extent of ethical practices and their effects on both students and staff. This study critically reviews the existing literature on Nigeria’s higher education system, ethical awareness in higher education, and ethics implementation at the departmental level, guided by rule utilitarianism. The findings indicate that despite lecturers’ repeated efforts to educate students on the importance of upholding ethical values, exam malpractice remains the most prevalent ethical issue plaguing mass communication departments. It is recommended that ethical orientation begin in adolescence to shape the development of Nigerian youth. Additionally, ethics should be incorporated into the educational curriculum at all levels, from primary to tertiary education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Blessed F. Ngonso, Peter E. Egielewa, Giuseppe T. Cirella

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