Digital assessment and evaluation practices in teacher education: A study of institutions offering teacher education programs in Anambra state

  • Ifeoma Chinyere Umeji Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe Anambra State 432106, Nigeria
Article ID: 1595
Keywords: digital assessment; evaluation practices; teacher education; institutions; teacher education


This study investigates digital assessment and evaluation practices among lecturers in institutions offering teacher education programs in Anambra State, Nigeria. A quantitative research design was adopted, employing a structured questionnaire to collect data on lecturers’ demographics, utilization of digital assessment tools, perceived benefits and challenges, and factors influencing adoption. The questionnaire, validated for reliability using the Cronbach Alpha method (α = 0.88), was distributed to 110 lecturers selected through convenience sampling. Data analysis included t-tests to examine differences in digital assessment practices based on demographic variables. Ethical considerations were addressed, ensuring participants’ informed consent and confidentiality. The study sheds light on the current landscape of digital assessment practices in teacher education, offering insights for improving pedagogical approaches and enhancing educational outcomes in Anambra State.


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How to Cite
Umeji, I. C. (2024). Digital assessment and evaluation practices in teacher education: A study of institutions offering teacher education programs in Anambra state. Forum for Education Studies, 2(3), 1595.