Modelling education equality through online platform adoption: Insights into the digital divide, fairness, perceived ease of use, and usefulness
Online education platforms are pivotal in achieving educational equity. This study employs grounded theory to examine the factors influencing the adoption of online education platforms by students and educators in Chinese higher education institutions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 30 participants, including 15 students and 15 educators, to provide a detailed qualitative analysis. The findings identify critical factors affecting platform adoption, including digital accessibility and infrastructure, user experience and interface design, adoption and integration challenges, and the impact on educational outcomes and equity. Significant disparities in digital access, especially between urban and rural areas, underscore the need for enhanced digital infrastructure to ensure equitable access to online education. The usability of the platforms, facilitated by user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive training, emerged as essential for engaging students and educators effectively. The study also highlights technological challenges and a lack of digital literacy as significant barriers, necessitating targeted interventions like digital literacy programs and robust technical support.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Songyu Jiang , Hao Zhu, Hao Li, Ruiming Li

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