Development of stem skills and national identity through 3D modeling in educational programs
This paper explores the advancement of STEM skills and national identity through the incorporation of 3D modeling into the curriculum of secondary educational institutions using Blender software. It focuses on how 3D modeling can be used to enhance students’ technical prowess and creativity while simultaneously bolstering their motivation and sense of civic duty. The significance of modern educational technologies in nurturing critical thinking, investigative skills, and effective communication, which together foster the holistic development of the individual, is emphasized. The main objective of this article is to showcase practical experiences in embedding 3D modeling within middle school curricula to cultivate STEM skills and promote a sense of patriotism. It examines how hands-on activities and projects can motivate students to actively engage in rebuilding and progressing their nation, underscoring the critical role of patriotic education in today’s learning environments. Illustrating this, the article describes a lesson titled “Creating 3D Objects,” where students utilize Blender to work on a mini-project called “Street of Peace and Freedom,” involving the design of 3D building models. This project saw enthusiastic participation from students, who not only developed new skills but also acknowledged their contributions towards the future of their country. The role of educators in selecting suitable educational programs and materials, especially the integration of Blender for teaching 3D computer graphics in ninth-grade informatics courses, is discussed. The insights from Taras Liutsiuk on the integration of textbooks and effective utilization of Blender’s functionalities highlight the need for skilled pedagogical approaches. Particular attention is paid to the impact of this teaching methodology on ninth graders, a critical period for intense development of both academic and social competencies. Furthermore, the article addresses the future prospects of STEM education in Ukraine, advocating for equitable education access for all students, enhancements in pedagogical strategies, and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies in educational settings.
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