A systematic review of the financial issues of higher education institutions (HEIs) and possible strategies to cope with them
The field of higher education has not only been for elites since the last three decades. It has also included the general masses in it. That’s why the transformation of the socio-economic status and general awareness in the present age owes to higher education. On the other hand, challenges have also emerged and set conditions on the path to sustainability. Thus, higher education has faced problems, especially financial problems. These issues further give birth to some other issues. This study is an attempt to understand the issues caused by financial issues. The study also aimed to propose strategies to deal with these issues. Based on the systematic literature review, the problems have been categorized as lack of internet, digitalization, and online teaching; underdeveloped infrastructure for STEAM; lack of priorities; and quality issues. These findings create hurdles in achieving the quality of HEIs. To cope with these issues, clear policy and setting priorities were proposed as the top most important strategies to bring about quality and achieve HEIs’ organizational objectives. It can be concluded that HEIs need appropriate strategic and financial managers and administrators who can align their strategy with the vision and mission of the institutions.
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