Open educational practices and virtual learning readiness among B.Ed. trainees
In recent time, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) trainees have increasingly adopted technology-oriented learning to enhance their classroom teaching and learning experiences. These trainees are also creating various learning environment, such as self-directed learning, group learning, and other activities with the digital tools. This study examined the integration of Open Educational Practices (OEP) and Virtual Learning Readiness (VLR) among B.Ed. trainees across different districts in Uttar Pradesh, India. With the growing dependence on technology, these trainees are utilizing digital resources like mobile learning applications, Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom freckle and digital whiteboards to improve their classroom engagement. The research, which included 960 B.Ed. trainees, employed standardized tools to evaluate their levels of Open Educational Practices (OEP) and Virtual Learning Readiness (VLR). The findings indicated that the trainees exhibited a moderate level of both variables, with notable variations based on certain background factors. A statistical analysis has done, which included percentage, descriptive, differential, and relational methods to analyze the collected data critically. However, the main challenges include limited time to locate suitable resources, insufficient awareness regarding quality assurance, technological constraints. The study suggests that targeted booster programs should be organized to enrich trainees’ technological skills, enabling them to excel in future classroom teaching and learning. The study’s outcomes are expected to significantly contribute to the improvement of the emerging learning society.
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