Challenges and prospects of educational supervision in Onitsha education zone: Identifying problems, causes, and solutions for quality education
This study examined the challenges and prospects of educational supervision in the Onitsha Education Zone, Anambra State, Nigeria. It aims to identify key problems, underlying causes, and viable solutions to enhance supervision effectiveness and improve the quality of education. The study used a descriptive survey design to understand opinions in Onitsha Education Zone, Anambra State. It involved 290 teachers and 10 principals from 10 secondary schools, selected randomly. Data was collected via a validated questionnaire on educational supervision. Analysis was done using mean and standard deviation, with a 2.50 acceptance threshold. Findings reveal significant challenges including bribery, corruption, inadequate funding, poor road conditions, and staffing issues. Positive prospects identified include enhanced standardization, efficiency, and reduction of malpractices. Key causes of these challenges are political instability, frequent policy changes, poor teacher remuneration, and lack of supervisory resources. The study recommends increased government funding, improved infrastructure, skilled staffing, and robust stakeholder involvement to enhance educational supervision and ensure quality education.
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