Article Integrating STEAM education in the school science teaching at Gorkha district
This article explores the integration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education into the secondary school science curriculum. It provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of STEAM education, challenges, successes, and future directions. The article draws on literature reviews, theoretical frameworks, and interviews with science teachers to offer a holistic view of the benefits of STEAM education integration at school-level science teaching. This study was carried out by selecting three schools in the Gorkha district and three science teachers who are implementing separate types of STEAM-based project approaches in science teaching. This study found that science teachers attempted to implement the project-based technology-friendly STEAM approach in their classrooms. However, they faced several obstacles to the integration of STEAM into the present school science curriculum due to the limited availability of internet facilities. It suggests that policy level and curriculum designers prepare the STEAM-based curricula for transdisciplinary (STEAM-based) school science teaching.
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