Benchmarking analysis at establishing a culture of wellness

  • Ignatova Darinka Department for Information and In-Service Training of Teachers, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
  • Dimitrova Bistra Department of Aquatic Sports, National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
  • Iliev Alexander Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
  • Angelova Petya Department of Physical Education and Sport, Trakia University, Stara Zagora 6000, Bulgaria
Article ID: 1418
Keywords: wellness culture; basketball; motor development; motor potential; motor activity; motor capacity


This article aims to establish trends in motor development through basketball activities as a prerequisite for building a wellness culture, revealing the impact of basketball exercises on motor activity in junior high school. The interests of the research are aimed at following the dynamics in the motor potential and establishing and evaluating the presence of wellness within the framework of school physical education. More specifically, the creation of a culture of wellness in the junior high school stage of the educational degree. A reliable and objective toolkit for diagnosing the level of motor potential in 12–14-year-old students was selected and applied, specifying the empirical data from the conducted research. The purpose of the research is to follow the dynamics of the motor potential in the two stages of research and to establish a wellness culture in the junior high school stage of the educational degree in the lesson of physical education and sports, based on a comparative analysis of the dynamics of motor indicators in the two cognitive stages of the study. Through legislative changes in school education, the direction “school health”, in particular the expected competences, is regulated. Key competence #9 requires knowledge and skills for sustainable development, implementation of a healthy lifestyle, and sports in the Bulgarian school. To achieve the goal, the following research tasks are solved: experimentation of a basketball training program aimed at the development of motor qualities, as a result of which the dynamics in the development of motor qualities of students studying basketball in physical education and sports classes. Based on the benchmarking analysis, it can be concluded that the results achieved at baseline show an improvement in the motor condition of the studied contingent. Motor indicators show intense dynamics in 12–14-year-old students, modeling their motor potential and confirming the presence of a wellness culture in the Bulgarian school. It can be summarized that a benchmarking analysis was carried out to establish dynamics in the indicators and the manifestation of motor skills between the students of the 4th and 5th grade, allowing the individualization of the differences in the motor potential between the empirical data in the cognitive stages of the study.


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How to Cite
Darinka, I., Bistra, D., Alexander, I., & Petya, A. (2024). Benchmarking analysis at establishing a culture of wellness. Forum for Education Studies, 2(3), 1418.