Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) tools are developed and guided by human beings, utilizing algorithms that have undergone extensive training. These tools can assist in thesis writing; however, users must independently assess the authenticity and reliability of the results to avoid potential issues related to research integrity.
The journal requires authors to maintain openness and transparency regarding their use of generative AI tools, including clarifications on copyright, data sources, and data processing methods. While this journal permits the use of AI-generated content (AIGC) for language enhancement, literature integration, formatting generation, and other non-intellectual aspects of the manuscript, it strictly prohibits employing AIGC for formulating research hypotheses, analyzing causes, interpreting results, or discussing findings—tasks that necessitate human intellectual engagement. Authors are required to specify in the Acknowledgements or Materials and Methods section where AI assistance was utilized in their work; they should also include the version number of AIGC used and justify its application. Failure to adequately disclose such usage or incorporating text from AIGC into the manuscript without proper acknowledgment may be considered academic misconduct.
The AIGC tool is intended solely as an aid; it cannot assume authorship nor be credited as such. Authorship will only be granted to individuals who have made significant contributions to experimental design and implementation, data analysis, or manuscript writing. For further details on authorship criteria, please refer to the journal's policy of “Authorship”.
During the peer review process, reviewers may utilize AIGC for a rapid overview of article content but are prohibited from using it to generate review comments. The journal upholds rigorous standards in academic research while fostering creativity among scientists; thus encouraging them to share their insights for advancing scientific progress. Authors may employ AIGC for a quick comprehension of reviewer feedback but remain responsible for addressing peer-reviewed responses.
AIGC can enhance the readability of articles by refining the text, but it is essential to note that using AIGC to write entire articles is prohibited. Authors must be vigilant in assessing the copyright and authenticity of AIGC-generated content and ensure proper citation of sources.