Effects of home-based rope therapy on children with special educational needs

  • Wai Lun Lam Rope Therapy Association, Hong Kong
  • Keng Tou Chau Rope Therapy Association, Hong Kong
  • Chun Cheong Wong Rope Therapy Association, Hong Kong
  • Adrian Low Hong Kong Association of Psychology, 17th Floor, Tak Sing Alliance Building, 115 Chatham Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • Ming Hang Chan Hong Kong Association of Psychology, 17th Floor, Tak Sing Alliance Building, 115 Chatham Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • Cheuk Chi Chung Rope Therapy Association, Hong Kong
  • Nga Yan Kwok Rope Therapy Association, Hong Kong
  • Lai Kiu Tsang Hong Kong Association of Psychology, 17th Floor, Tak Sing Alliance Building, 115 Chatham Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Ariticle ID: 1281
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Keywords: rope therapy; SEN; special education needs; psychology; COVID; ASD; ADHD


Rope Therapy, a novel complementary therapy, combines professional rope techniques and professional comprehensive sensory integration training program, treatment, and training programs for people with special educational needs for the sake of enhancing their vestibular sense, proprioception, muscle tension, and whole body coordination ability by stimulating the brain nerves and secretion of neurotransmitters. Method: Rope therapy is conducted with the model “Home-based Rope Therapy Program” for 12 weeks. Parents who attended this program are required to accept training and assessment. To conduct the therapy independently, parents have to learn how to use the tools of this home-based rope therapy and interact with children during the training. In this study, children had intensive rope exercise training at home with positive feedback from parents within this period leading to higher emotional control and concentration level, more eye contact, and emotional and wording expression. The family would also receive feedback from the teachers, other professional trainers, and sports coaches related to the condition of the children. Result: A total of 69 families participated in the survey with children aged 4 to 26, including those who were diagnosed or had a suspicion of the autism spectrum, hyperactivity and inattention, dyslexia, and other special needs. After 12 weeks of home training, the result showed that the child’s concentration levels and control of negative emotions have been significantly improved. Meanwhile, it has been proven that the “Home-based Rope Therapy Program” is effective in bringing positive interactions and emotions to children and families. Conclusion: “Home-based Rope Therapy Program” provides children with intensive rope exercise training at home, satisfying children’s physical and sensory needs. Also, this program increases children’s exercise in muscle strength, balance, and coordination leading to higher concentration levels and high-quality parent-child time, thereby improving school children’s emotional control and concentration, and enhancing family harmony.


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How to Cite
Lam, W. L., Chau, K. T., Wong, C. C., Low, A., Chan, M. H., Chung, C. C., Kwok, N. Y., & Tsang, L. K. (2024). Effects of home-based rope therapy on children with special educational needs. Applied Psychology Research, 3(1), 1281. https://doi.org/10.59400/apr.v3i1.1281