First and second law analysis of crack propagation in canvas painting

  • Mohammad Yaghoub Abdollahzadeh Jamalabadi Faculty of Marine Engineering, Chabahar Maritime University, Chabahar 99717-56499, Iran
Article ID: 526
Keywords: crack growth; thermodynamic analysis; entropy production; fatigue; thermal balance


The knowledge of how the craquelures happen and their pattern on historical objects, especially paintings, is interested in the field of cultural heritage. Entropy generation and thermal analysis of crack growth are calculated numerically for the canvas painting. The painting is modeled as a three-layer composite with isotropic material properties. An in-house code is developed to model the plane strain elasto-static structural mechanics with hybrid-Trefftz finite element formulation. The results are benchmarked with numerical and analytical solutions. Entropy generation and temperature fields are simulated throughout stacking in mode I of a delamination process. The parameter study shows that the parameter of entropy has a great influence on the process of expectation of break proliferation in fast and low areas. It is likewise demonstrated that the use of the corruption entropy age hypothesis gives a technique for assessing the steady in the law of crack growth regarding the rate of entropy production.


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How to Cite
Jamalabadi, M. Y. A. (2024). First and second law analysis of crack propagation in canvas painting. Mechanical Engineering Advances, 2(1), 526.