Editorial Team


Prof. Chunsheng Lu
Curtin University, Australia
Interests: Mechanics of advanced materials; Fracture mechanics; Scaling and size effects; Failure prediction

Associate Editor

Prof. Huachao Yang   
Zhejiang University, China
Interests: Supercapacitors and lithium; Sodium; Zinc ion batteries; Recycling and reuse of used lithium-ion batteries; Solar thermal desalination and capacitive desalination

Editorial Board Members

Prof. Gleb A. Turichin
Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Russia
Interests: Additive manufacturing; Laser and welding technology; Laser cladding and surface hardening; Mathematical algorithms and software for modeling of laser; Hybrid and electron-beam materials processing
Assoc. Prof. Tibor Krenicky
Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Interests: Industrial engineering; Technical diagnostics; Industry 4.0; Soft magnetic materials
Prof. Hitesh Panchal
Government Engineering College, India
Interests: Mechanical engineering; Engineering; Solar desalination; Nano material; Coating; Engine emission; Energy
Prof. Mohsen Sheikholeslami Kandelousi   
Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran
Interests: Nanofluids; Heat transfer; Nusset number; Mechanics and thermodynamics
Dr. Marian Grigoras
National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics (NIRDTP), Romania
Interests: Magnetism and magnetic materials; Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies; Fabrication and characterization of permanent magnets; Applied physics
Prof. Stefanos Papanikolaou
National Centre of Nuclear Research, Poland
Interests: Materials science; High entropy alloys; Nanomechanics; Phase transitions; Phase transformations; Metamaterials; Materials informatics
Prof. Stan Chirita
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
Interests: Theory of elasticity; Thermal effects; Mixtures; Waves; Stability; Heat and mass transfer
Assoc. Prof. Emilian Florin Mosnegutu
"Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau, Romania
Interests: Solid waste management; Hazardous waste management; Energy efficiency; Mechanical engineering; Environmental engineering; Wastewater management; Adsorption
Dr. Che Zhang
University of Melbourne, Australia
Interests: Composite materials; Hydrogen energy; Additive manufacturing; Simulation & experiment
Dr. Araliya Mosleh
University of Porto, Portugal
Interests: Railway condition monitoring; Vehicle/track damage identification; Machine learning techniques
Dr. Tianzhu Sun
University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Interests: Laser welding; Friction stir welding; Material characterisation; CFD simulation; Residual stress; E-mobility
Prof. Serguei Murzin
Samara National Research University, Russia
Interests: Laser processing optimization; Freeform optics; Precision and efficiency in laser manufacturing; Digital engineering in photonics
Dr. Ahmad Serjouei
Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Interests: Mechanical behavior of materials; Metal additive manufacturing; Fatigue and fracture of AM materials; 3D and 4D printing; Smart materials and structures; Novel applications of active meta-materials; Non-linear finite element analysis; Soft actuation for medical applications
Prof. Van-Tu Nguyen
Pusan National University, Korea
Interests: Fluid mechanics; Computational mechanics; Heat transfer; Numerical methods; CFD; Cavitation
Prof. Mohammad Zaman Kabir
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Iran
Interests: Structural analysis and design of FRP composite materials; Structural stability analysis; Lightweight prefabricated structure analysis and design
Prof. José Manoel Balthazar    
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil
Interests: Nonlinear dynamics; Control and their applications in engineering design
Prof. Xinhua Liu    
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Interests: Lithium-ion batteries; Solid-state batteries; Fuel cells; REDOX flow batteries; Metal ion/air batteries; Including energy material design
Dr. Liaqat Ali    
Xi'an Technological University, China
Interests: Computational fluid dynamics; Nanofluids/hybrid nanofluids; Newtonian/non-Newtonian fluids; Finite element Rk; Computational mathematics; Heat and mass transfer
Prof. Rosario Sinatra    
Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
Interests: Kinematics and dynamics of robotic mechanical systems; Static and equilibrium of mechanical systems
Prof. Francesco Freddi    
Università di Parma, Italy
Interests: Develop and test innovative instruments for structural monitoring
Prof. Sohail Ahmad Khan    
Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan
Interests: Geometry and entropy generation problems; Applied mathematics; Heat and mass transport problems; Laws of thermodynamics
Prof. Freddie Liswaniso Inambao    
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Interests: Evaluation and optimization of biodiesel and its impact on engine performance and emissions
Prof. Shaowei Wang
Shandong University, China
Interests: Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics; Heat and mass transfer in porous media; Fractal dynamics; anomalous diffusion; Computational mechanics for engineering problems
Dr. Sajad Saraygord Afshari
University of Manitoba, Canada
Interests: Mechatronics; Numerical simulation; Experimental mechanics; Machine learning techniques
Prof. Chunlei Li
South China University of Technology, China
Interests: Metamaterials; Structural design and optimization; Impact dynamics; Wave propagation and regulation
Prof. Eurico Augusto Rodrigues de Seabra
University of Minho, Portugal
Interests: Machines and mechanisms; Industrial automation; Mechatronics design; Medical devices design; Mechanical technology; Discrete and hybrid systems; Instrumentation; Acquisition systems
Prof. K.K. Viswanathan
Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan
Interests: Numerical analysis; Numerical modeling engineering; Computational mathematics; Vibration analysis; Numerical mathematics; Finite element method; Applied mathematics
Prof. Angelo Aloisio
Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy
Interests: Engineering; Computational mathematics; Vibration analysis; Numerical mathematics; Finite element method; Applied mathematics; Mathematical analysis
Prof. Hosein Naderpour
Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Interests: Structural engineering; Numerical methods; Mechanics of materials; Structural stability; Concrete structures; Structural reliability; Soft computing
Prof. Vinícius Piccirillo
Federal Technological University of Parana, Brazil 
Interests: Numerical simulation analysis; Computational fluid dynamics; Mechanical engineering; Modeling and simulation; Engineering mathematics; Nonlinear analysis; Finite element analysis
Dr. Hongwei Guo
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Interests: Solid mechanics; Computational mechanics; Finite element analysis; Structural dynamics; Computational solid mechanics; Vibration analysis; Machine learning
Dr. Hongye Pan
Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Interests: New energy collection; Sensor self-power supply field research
Prof. Ali Nikkhoo
University of Science and Culture, Iran
Interests: Behavior of smart structures under dynamic loads; Active control of continues parameter structures under moving loads; Non-linear fitting of structure systems under dynamic loads
Prof. Hassaine Daouadji Tahar
University of Tiaret Algeria, Algeria
Interests: Stress analysis; Finite element analysis; Mechanics of materials; Finite element modeling; Solid mechanics; Fracture mechanics; Mechanical behavior of materials
Prof. Bin Ji
Central South University, China
Interests: Combinatorial optimization theory and its application in the field of integrated transportation planning and management Precise/heuristic methods; Ship navigation scheduling
Prof. Guosheng Wang
Beijing University of Technology, China
Interests: Dynamic mechanical properties of concrete materials; Plastic damage constitutive theory of rock and soil materials; Continuous/discontinuous calculation method for geotechnical materials
Prof. Gilberto Santos
Polytechnic Institute Cavado Ave, Portugal
Interests: Mechanical engineering; Quality innovation; Integrated management system; Product development; Technology development
Dr. Mohammad Molla-Alipour
University of Mazandaran, Iran
Interests: Analysis of plates and shells