Low carbon integrated vehicles and buildings

  • Kevin Kendall Research Department, Hydrogen United
Keywords: wind turbines, solar energy, green hydrogen, green vehicles, green buildings


This paper defines vehicles and buildings as main sources of United Kingdom (UK) carbon dioxide (CO2) and seeks to cut such emissions using green hydrogen made from combined wind and solar energy. Combustion vehicles powered by fossil petroleum emit near half of UK climate-warming CO2 while buildings heated by natural gas provide a third. First, current UK grid problems are defined: Electricity, gas and petroleum grids. Refueling green vehicles has been a particular problem. Then experiments on the private wire community of Keele University show how green hydrogen could integrate both green vehicles and buildings. Next, the model supply chain is planned and tested. Finally, experiments and calculations are outlined, analyzing the optimum system design criteria proposed. We conclude that economic green hydrogen can displace petroleum in vehicles, while powering buildings instead of natural gas. Also, the prospect in 2024 is that profits can be made all along the green hydrogen supply chain, such that new businesses involved in local private clean communities can cost less than the National Grid monopoly and other dominant fossil energy companies.

Author Biography

Kevin Kendall, Research Department, Hydrogen United

Research Department


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How to Cite
Kendall, K. (2024). Low carbon integrated vehicles and buildings. Mechanical Engineering Advances, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.59400/mea.v2i1.282
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